Ancient cow statue unearthed during banana planting

Local residents of of Siwal village in Sukoharjo regency, Central Java, Indonesia, have unearthed a headless cow statue on Monday presumed to date back to the Mataram era (732-1006 AD).
Local residents of of Siwal village in Sukoharjo regency, Central Java, Indonesia, have unearthed a headless cow statue on Monday presumed to date back to the Mataram era (732-1006 AD).
Scientists discovered that about 60 percent of a World War 2 shipwreck of HMAS Perth located off the coast of Java has vanished due to large-scale illegal salvaging for scrap metal at the site.
Comprehensive study of the bones of Homo floresiensis (dubbed “the hobbit”), discovered on the Indonesian island of Flores, Indonesia, in 2003, revealed that the species of tiny human most likely evolved from an ancestor in Africa and not from Homo erectus as has been widely believed.