Tile kin discovered at ancient temple grounds

A kiln used to bake roof tiles of Toshodaiji temple more than 1000 years ago was discovered at Toshodaiji temple complex, Nara prefecture, Japan.
A kiln used to bake roof tiles of Toshodaiji temple more than 1000 years ago was discovered at Toshodaiji temple complex, Nara prefecture, Japan.
Archaeologists discovered the first preserved finely woven basket complete with a square wooden footed stand at the Seta site, Kashihara, Nara prefecture of Japan, dating to the late Yayoi Pottery Culture period (300 BC – 300 AD).
A part of a padlock was recovered at the Asukakyo Ato Enchi ruins in Nara Prefecture’s Asuka village. The site is known for remnants of artificial ponds and is believed to be Japan’s first major garden built at an imperial palace.