Children’s toys discovered inside Hellenistic tombs

Archaeologists discovered toys inside tombs of children at a Hellenistic Period necropolis of the ancient seaport city of Parion, North-West Turkey.
Archaeologists discovered toys inside tombs of children at a Hellenistic Period necropolis of the ancient seaport city of Parion, North-West Turkey.
Archaeologists conducting excavations at the ancient city of Parion, Çanakkale Province, Turkey, uncovered a chamber tomb containing skeletons of 24 individuals.
Archaeologists unearthed a 2700-year-old well in ancient Greek city of Parion, Çanakkale province of Turkey. The water from the well was believed to possess healing properties and to be the source of beauty in the region.
The three sarcophagi recently discovered in Kemer village in Turkey’s Çanakkale province’s Biga district were opened and closer examined by museum officials.
A burst of water pipes washed out ancient sarcophagi in the Biga district of Çanakkale province, western Turkey. While repairing the pipes the workers discovered three sarcophagi that afterwards have been unearthed and examined by experts.