Mass grave of German WW2 soldiers unearthed

Archaeologists have unearthed a mass grave of German soldiers in Wodników Górny, South-West Poland. The individuals were possibly shot dead by Russian soldiers during World War 2.
Archaeologists have unearthed a mass grave of German soldiers in Wodników Górny, South-West Poland. The individuals were possibly shot dead by Russian soldiers during World War 2.
Archaeologist discovered more military artefacts linked with the Battle of Kunersdorf of 1759 at the site in Kunowice, West Poland.
Nearly 10000 people had to be evacuated from the areas of Zaścianek and Grabówka near Białystok, North-eastern Poland, due to the discovery of a 500kg air bomb. The bomb was removed but a next one was found few days later at the same site.
Archaeologists excavating the site of the 18th century battle in Kunowice, western Poland, where 130000 Russian, Austrian and Prussian soldiers fought during the Seven Years’ War, discovered a thousand lead bullets, 250 canister shots, over 200 uniform buttons, and fragments of armaments.
The Nazi weather station called Schatzgraber, or “Treasure Hunter” was re-discovered on Alexandra Land island located in Russian Federation’s Arkhangelsk Oblast, less than 700 miles from the North pole.
Archaeologists conducting excavations in Warsaw’s northern district of Marymont, discovered remains of a summer palace built for king Jan III Sobieski (Eng. John III Sobieski), known for his victory over the Turks at the 1683 Battle of Vienna.