Thieves caught with stones from Byzantine-era church

Civil Administration employees have arrested two thieves of antiquities in the West Bank, Israel, who were moving stolen artefacts from a Byzantine-era church.
Civil Administration employees have arrested two thieves of antiquities in the West Bank, Israel, who were moving stolen artefacts from a Byzantine-era church.
Excavations at Draa Abul Naga necropolis on Luxor’s West Bank unearthed an almost 4000-year-old funerary garden. The find is the first such garden ever to be found.
Crossing Authority Security Officers at Erez Crossing between Israel and Palestine prevented smuggling of rare artefacts while three men were arrested attempting to loot gold coins from the archaeological site of the Bar Kokhba Revolt (132-136 AD).
A twelfth cave once containing Dead Sea Scrolls has been identified by archaeologists in the area of Qumran, Israel. The cave contained no scrolls but a small scrap of parchment in a jar and a collection of at least seven storage jugs identical to those found in the other caves were found.
More than 100 Assyrian and Early Islamic artefacts have been discovered in the house of an ISIS official in Mosul’s West Bank after it was recaptured by the Iraqi Army. Among the relics are household pottery items such as jugs, vases and bowls.
The face of a man who lived 9500 years ago in Neolithic settlement in Jericho, now the West Bank region of Palestine, was reconstructed in British Museum.
A 7th-century mosaic at Hisham Palace, near the West Bank city of Jericho, Palestine, is unearthed for and displayed for the first time in its entirety to the public. The impressive mosaic covers 827 square metres.