Statue of queen Tiye’s, grandmother of Tutankhamun, found

large alabaster statue depicting queen Tiye, the grandmother of king Tutankhamun was discovered on the west bank of Luxor along the Nile River. The statue is believed to be 3400 years old.
large alabaster statue depicting queen Tiye, the grandmother of king Tutankhamun was discovered on the west bank of Luxor along the Nile River. The statue is believed to be 3400 years old.
New research on ancient Egyptian pot burials provides evidence that this type of burial was meant not only for the poor. The practice was not limited to children or to impoverished families.
Excavation in Aswan’s Qubbet Al-Hawa necropolis, South Egypt, revealed a causeway leading to the tomb of the first Middle Kingdom provincial governor of Elephantine Island.
Archaeologists discovered a rare structure called a nilometer in the ruins of the ancient city of Thmuis in Egypt’s Delta region. The nilometer was used to predict harvest and set taxes linked to the rise and fall of the Nile River.