Upper Palaeolithic Venus figurine found

A 5-centimetre high Palaeolithic Venus figurine was discovered at the Khotylyovo-2 site in Bryansk Oblast, Russian Federation. Radiocarbon analysis suggests tribes of hunters and gatherers lived there  between 21000-24000 years ago. 

Decapitated bodies found within Siberian burial mound

Archaeologists discovered burials of the Pazyryk culture at the Taldur II site near Old Beltir village, Russia’s Altai Republic. One of the grave mounds at the site contained the remains of an adult and a child with their heads cut off and places near the knees of the older individual.

Early Bronze Age burial of a noblewoman found in Siberia

Archaeologists excavating a burial ground in the Russian Federation’s Republic of Khakassia in eastern Siberia discovered a burial of a woman buried 4500 years ago. The Early Bronze Age burial was equipped with an incense burner decorated by solar symbols, 1,500 beads and 100 pendants made from animal teeth.