An eight-centimetre-long fragment of a Roman bronze statue in shape of an ear was found by a metal detectorist in a field near Catterick, North Yorkshire. The artefact probably broke off as the statue was transported along the ancient Roman road.

Experts believe that the ear broke off from a statue being transported along Dere Street, an ancient Roman road that runs parallel to the British A1 today. The detectorist is said to have documented the find with the Portable Antiquities Scheme, a recorder of archaeological objects found by members of the public. The organisation confirmed that the bronze ear dates back to 200 AD, the time of the Roman Empire.

The ear was dug up in the village of Brompton-on-Swale, close to Roman fort and settlement Cataractonium, today known as Catterick. The site was excavated by archaeologists in the past, revealing evidence for human occupation during Iron Age, Mesolithic and Neolithic. Finds during the excavations have included a complete Roman bowl called a mortarium used for grinding herbs and spices.

(after North News & Pictures & Daily Mail Online)