A graveyard of an Early Bronze Age culture was discovered by archaeologists in Kałdus (North Poland). The complex of archaeological sites in the vicinity of Chełm is studied since 1995 by a team of experts from Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, as it was an important area since the Neolithic. So far trances of Neolithic settlements, an Iron Age hillfort and remains of an Early Medieval administrative centre were discovered.
The newly found burial site is dated to 2000 BC and connected with the iwieńska culture of Early Bronze Age. So far a grave with stone slabs was discovered containing two vessels and a stone mace. Next to it there were three deposits of vessels and a secondary burial of human bones. A shard of iwieńska culture’s pottery was placed on one of the skulls there. Further examination and continuation of fieldwork is planned for the future.
(after Nauka w Polsce & Centrum Promocji i Informacji Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika)