Conservation works at the Fortress 52a “Łopianka” in Kraków, South Poland, lead to a discovery of a large portion of the original armoured dome at a nearby scrapyard.

The original armoured-domed towers of the fort were blown up after World War 2 and scrapped. The newly found element was discovered underground after a couple of decades during recent conservation works at the site. Why it was moved to the scrapyard remains a mystery. The fragment weights around half a ton. It was discovered by history enthusiasts who decided to buy it. Recent conservation works are surrounded by a financial scandal, as the cost will reach 18 million Polish Złoty (around 4.2 mln Euro). So far after spending over 3 mln the fort is reported to be in poor shape as the works did not follow the conservation guidelines. Reportedly the roof is leaking, some rooms are flooded, the pain on the walls peels off, and the brick walls are subjected to erosion. The city officials who are responsible for the renovation refuse to comment on this. The site of the “Łopianka” fort, known also as “Jugowice”, is to house the Muzeum Ruchu Harcerskiego (Scout Movement Museum).