1700-years-old mosaic found in Turkey

An impressive mosaic was found near Simav, Kütahya province, West Turkey, in an area destroyed by fire in 2005. The mosaic, depicting various animals, is said to date back to 2th-3rd century AD, to the Roman Period.

Polish archaeologists digitally reconstructed a 5000-years-old mound burial from Ukraine

A monumental grave found within a burial mound near Prydnistryanske, Ukraine’s Vinnytsia region, near the Ukrainian-Moldavian border was reconstructed by Polish archaeologists who discovered it during excavations in 2010. The grave belonged to the elite of the nomadic pastoral communities that lived along the shores of the Dniester river.

5000-year-old seal found in Hacılar

Excavations at the site of a settlement mound near Hacilar in Burdur province, Turkey, revealed a 5000-year-old seal. The site is known for its Neolithic remains of houses made of wood and daub or mud-brick.