Underwater explorers of the Baltic Sea discovered a 150-year-old sunken ship off the Åland Islands, located in Central Baltic between Sweden and Finland. The hold of the ship is said to be full of bottles.

The ship was discovered by a diver Jerry Wilhelmsson and his father. The explorers estimate that the wreckage, resting on the Baltic sea bed, sank about 150 years ago, burying the cargo of hundreds of bottles carried in the hold.

The vessel is about 27 metres long and 6 metres wide. Its bow is decorated, which is not typical for the ships of this size, according to the explorers. The name of the ship remains a mystery, which also makes it yet impossible to cross-reference with existing ship records.

Upon announcing of the discovery of the cargo the local authorities have requested salvaging of four bottles from the cargo hold. The bottles will be uncorked for testing in order to identify the liquid and check if its drinkable after all the years.

(after Ålandstidningen, International Business Times & Sputnik News)